Beginning your journey from a clean slate

Our Greenfield Approach


1. Conduct a Needs Assessment

The first step in implementing a parking management system is to assess the specific needs of the location. This could include understanding the number of parking spaces required, the types of vehicles that will be parked, the times of day that parking will be busiest, and any specific challenges or requirements unique to the location.


2. Develop a Plan

Once you have a clear understanding of the needs of the location, you can begin to develop a plan for the parking management system. This may include identifying the technologies and tools needed, such as parking meters, signage, and mobile applications.


3. Design the System

This may involve developing schematics for the layout of the parking lot or garage, choosing the best equipment for the location, and designing the user interface for any digital tools.


4. Implement the System

With the design in place, it is time to implement the parking management system. This may involve installing equipment such as parking meters, signage, and cameras, as well as developing any necessary software or mobile applications.


5. Train Users

Once the parking management system is in place, it is important to train users on how to use the system. This may involve providing tutorials on using the mobile app or educating drivers on how to use the parking meters.


6. Monitor and Maintain the System

Finally, it is important to monitor and maintain the parking management system to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the location. This may involve regular maintenance of equipment, as well as ongoing training and support for users.

Smart Park 360˚

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Smart Parking is now new normal with the upcoming Smart Cities in India and across the globe and you must embrace our Smart Park 360˚ – the only IOT enabled AI based Smart Parking management system.

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